AI Playlist Tool E

AI generated playlists and compilations

Thanks to our proprietary algorithm, in collaboration with Catalogi Musicali, a leader in the sector for more than 10 years, Distro5 generate compilations and playlists with your music and publish them on all digital stores!

Duplicate them automatically everywhere

Do you know how long it takes to create one, 10, 100 playlists of your music and your artists, repeating the action on every digital store profile? With ALGO in just a few minutes you will be able to create and publish playlists from your catalog (and not only), filtering keywords, genres, psycho-acoustic parameters, statistical values of listeners and popularity, all with extreme precision. But the fantastic thing is that you can automatically publish it simultaneously on all the profiles you are registered with, dozens of managed stores.


Generate in seconds

The playlist is generated with AI and you can interact to modify or improve it.

Replica on all stores

Publish it instantly on each digital store profile with one click thanks to ALGO.

Diversify your audience

You will increase your SEO, the chances of being found online and organic followers, the real ones!

Assisted algorithmic generation

Some compilation and playlist published

Retro Vibes

Playlist anni '80


Playlist di Songwriter

Lo-Fi Dream

Playlist Lo-Fi

Fly Me Away

Palylist per Viaggiare

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